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Kale Group President and CEO Zeynep Bodur Okyay is elected for the Higher Advisory Committee constituted for the first time within the context of Turkish Ceramics Federation regulations.

Turkish Ceramics Federation decided for a Higher Advisory Committee (HAC) to be constituted within the context of the regulations and this constituted committee to be put into operation again in accordance with the designated regulations. One of the previous period TSF chairmen Zeynep Bodur Okyay is elected as the newly constituted HAC President.

According to the regulations to be added to the internal regulations in the first general assembly, HAC is going to be reconstituted after every elective General Assembly. All previous period TSF chairmen who are still active in the sector and the current presidents of SERKAP, SERSA and TIMDER associations are considered as the natural members of HAC. Previous period presidents of SERKAP and SERSA who are still active in the sector will again be the committee members. When the presidents of associations change, the HAC membership of previous period presidents will end and the membership of new presidents will begin. TSF Chairman of Board of Directors has the right to invite a maximum of 5 people as members who are active in the sector and who the chairman believes to make a contribution. These members will take office only for the period they're invited for. HAC is a consultative committee which gathers twice a year. And the decisions taken are advisory thus implementing or cancelling these decisions are under the authority of Board of Directors.


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