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Prof. Dr. Ates Arcasoy’s book titled “Ceramics Technology” published in 1983, has been qualified as the only comprehensive source in its’ topic of ceramic art and engineering education until recent years. This book has also been a reference book for many years for designers, engineer and technicians working in ceramics industry. Rewritten by Prof. Dr. Ates Arcasoy and Assoc. Prof. Hasan Baskirkan from Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts, the extent of the book is updated to include the latest technologies.

Being worked on for nearly three years, the book’s editorship is made by Prof. Dr. Munevver Caki and design by Dr. Lect. Ipek Torun. With its’ wide extent, easily comprehensible subjects and creative instruction method, the book “Ceramics Technology” has an important place in its’ field.

Released in August 2020 from Literature Publishings by sponsorship of Turkish Ceramics Federation, this book is also considered a reference book in universities and in industry for many years. The book will be available in all chain bookstores (D&R, Remzi, Kırmızı Kedi etc.), independent bookstores (Ankara Dost, Mephisto, Karahan Adana, Erzurum Kültür etc.) and online stores (idefix,, kitapyurdu, bkm, kitapsec, amazon etc.).


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