Started for the purpose of struggling with climate change, “Partnership for Market Readiness Turkey Project” events have continued with webinar meetings during the pandemic. Turkish Ceramics Federation (TSF) also participated in the meetings representing the ceramics industry and presented opinions on the developments in the industry.

Being conducted under the coordination of T.R. Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, “Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) Turkey Project – Phase 2” events isn’t cut even in the pandemic time. The project has continued with webinar meetings. Representing the ceramics industry, Turkish Ceramics Federation has followed the meetings online, analysed the industrial developmenst and presented opinions on the subject.
Partnership for Market Readiness has been put into practice by the World Bank in 2011 in order to contribute on the efforts to reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses in developing countries that are significant for global struggle with climate change and ensure the effective use of market based emission reducing mechanisms. Turkey has been included in the program with 18 implementing countries, in 2013.

With this program, it’s aimed; to establish a platform for discussions on market mechanisms oriented at reducing; to support the capacity improvement activities in carbon markets of the implementing countries and the pilot implementations about this which are financed by developed countries.
As part of the program, in 27th April, a webinar meeting has been held on the constitutent of “Determining the Emission Upper Limit and Developing the National Subvention Plan.” During the meeting 16 different ETS design scenarios which are offered for usual-case scenario and modelling, were submitted for stakeholders’ information. As a result of the consultation long been carried out with stakeholders, the referance scenario that covers the years between 2020-2035, was discussed and stakeholders’ opinions on the scenario designs, were recieved. Great interest in ETS meeting
With the participation of the members of non-governmental organizations, academicians, representatives of public and private sector, in 21st-22nd May, the workshop has been made featuring the subject of “Developing the Legal and Organizational Substructure for Pilot ETS Implementation for Turkey.” During the workshop, Climate Law and Drafts of ETS Regulation have been submitted for participants’ opinions. Participants have had the opportunity to review the organizational scheme of the draft climate law at the very first day of the workshop program. As for the second day, they have involved in the wide discussions on the ETS regulation. Workshop on Developing the Legal and Organizational Substructure for ETS Implementation, has drawn a great interest from different sectors and the number of participants have exceeded 100 for each two days.
The third, forth and for the last the fifth workshops of the “Developing ETS Simulation Application” constituent, have also been carried out. The workshops are aimed at enhancing the knowledge and experiences of stakeholders on Emission Trade System Design and TurkSım Application. The goal is to imrpve the sectoral capacities of companies through enhancing their familiarity with emission trade concepts and the operation of emission trade and to enrich the public and private sector discussions related to the emission trade applications in Turkey. Participants’ knowledge level has been raised on Alternative ETS designs and TurkSım, four conformity cycle containing different applications, have been simulated and finally, bot players have been introduced to the market in order to increase the flow in subvention market.

And in July, with the participation of public and private sector representatives, the second workshop program has been held on the constitutent of “Paris Agreement Article 6 Evaluation of Market Mechanisms and Turkey’s Options”. Within the constitutent, it’s aimed to evaluate the situation of Turkey specific to the Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and generating capacity and information fort he policy makers in Turkey. In the workshop which has been held under the directory of Andrei Marcu, Senior Consultant and Researcher from The European Roundtable on Climate Change and Sustainable Transition (ERCST), topics about the Article 6 has been deeply discussed and sector participants’ opinions have been received.