In the "Dolls of World Exhibition" opened in September in Rahmi Koc Museum in Istanbul, there are also various made of ceramic from primitive figurines roughly shaped of clay to perfectly fine porcelain dolls manufactured in big porcelain factories such as Meissen.
Shedding a light on the journey of dolls, one of the most important milestones of toy industry from Ancient Era to this day, the "Dolls of World Exhibition" is opened in Rahmi Koc Museum at the Golden horn shore. From the wooden dolls of the 18th century to Anatolian rag dolls, Asian and African faith dolls to fashion dolls and even the silk garment festival dolls of Far East, a very special selection is taking visitors to their childhood days. Porcelain dolls from the 19th century are taking a significant part in exhibition. Porcelain dolls are being exhibited with their molds and this gives clues on how they're manufactured. There are also terra-cotta figurines of Sadberk Hanim Museum's collection which are dated back to Hellenistic period in the exhibition.
According to toy historians, all kinds of figures from primitive human figurines roughly shaped of clay in Ancient Era to perfectly fine porcelain figures manufactured in the Meissen Factories of 20th century are qualified as 'dolls'. Narrating the purposes of use of doll concept since prehistory to this day and bringing the big change in doll industry throughout centuries into light, the meaning of this exhibition to its' visitors, is hidden in the words of the museum's founder Rahmi Koc: “After all we all were a baby once, loved and lived through that childhood phase. Hence, we should never underrate by saying just 'baby'.”