“Ceramics Dictionary", written by Prof. Sevim Cizer and explaining all terms related to ceramics, was published by Arkeoloji Sanat Yayinlari. The book is a comprehensive study that touches on ceramic history, culture and art as well as technique.

Prof. Sevim Cizer explains the formation process and scope of the dictionary in the article she wrote in 2021 as follows: “A ceramic object, in a way, testifies to the social, economic and artistic level of the culture in which it is produced, in connection with its form, decoration style and function. Especially in reading the socioeconomic and sociocultural levels of cultures that no longer exist today, ceramics is the most important data source with its structure that never disappears even if it disintegrates and chips off.
In addition to technical terms such as raw materials, materials, production and decoration methods, etc., the dictionary also tried to include the main archaeological ceramic samples of Anatolia. Along with the ceramic history of Anatolia, traditional ceramic production is also included in the appendices section of the book. The unique ceramic production and techniques of the Mediterranean basin, which has been in close relations with Anatolia throughout history, are also mentioned.
On the other hand, the ceramic culture and history of the Far East, especially China, the homeland of porcelain production, and Japanese porcelain culture were also mentioned. The ceramic history and culture of Iran, which has a rich ceramic history, and the history and culture of European ceramics and porcelain are also extensively included. The history and examples of Native American ceramics are also mentioned. The major productions of Indian ceramics have not been forgotten either.
Dictionaries belonging to a field such as the Dictionary of Technical Terms and the Dictionary of Archaeological Ceramics, etc, are generally more narrowed and comprehensive. Here, we tried to create a book that touches on the history, culture and art of ceramics as well as the technique, and is compiled from sources along with our own knowledge, that can be read and looked at, not only for those interested in ceramics, but also as general knowledge.
We think that the book will not only be a handy book that students at all levels of ceramics education can benefit from by accessing concise information, but also a resource that our professional colleagues can take a look at and use as a starting point for research.
“I hope that this dictionary, prepared during the difficult days of the Covid 19 epidemic, will take its place among the Turkish publications on ceramics and constitute a useful resource.”