Seramiksan, one of the most important domestic players in its sector, will introduce its newest products prepared for 2023 at UNICERA for the first time. The company, which designs its stand and fair events with the theme of sustainability and recycling, will exhibit large-sized porcelain tiles as well as sanitary ware products at the fair.
Director of Seramiksan Sureyya Caglar stated that they aim to initiate a good transformation movement beyond promoting their products at the fair: “On November 8-9, we are holding the 'Good Transformation Workshop for Good Life', where we will host famous architects. We will transform ceramics into different objects with Kintsugi, a Japanese repair art dating back to the 15th century, arising from the combination of broken ceramic pieces with gold in Seramiksan's recycling facility. In addition, the large frame in the photographic area, which we created from broken ceramics to emphasize recycling, was created with the handiwork of dozens of people.”
Seramiksan, which will exhibit most of the collections it has prepared for 2023 at the fair for the first time, draws attention with its large-sized tiles that bring the glossy marble and stone texture to the surfaces, which has become a global design trend. Inspired by the historical richness and nature of different geographies, the tiles bear names such as Amos, Bahama and Rosella.
Seramiksan WC pans save water
Among the products to be exhibited for the first time in Seramiksan's sanitary ware group is the Classic style shelf washbasin, while two new forms of bowl washbasins are added to the Aura Collection. The washbasins, which are produced both with and without tap hole, open a comfortable and functional space for the user with their large bowl. Rim-out wall-hung WC pans, which provide approximately 30% water savings by functioning with 2.5 - 4.5 liters, increase hygiene and comfort in bathrooms. Rim-out wall-hung bidet and toilet bowls, which are newly added to the Hill Smart Urinal series that offer much more than a urinal, offer a holistic bathroom concept by complementing each other.