Personal exhibitions of Dokuz Eylül University Ceramics and Glass Design Department faculty members Ali Temel Köseler and Hanieh Mouhebati have opened simultaneously at Pintura Urla Art Gallery.
Ali Temel Köseler’s exhibition titled “Red Black” has featured ceramic forms with sintered coating. Köseler has applied stylized patterns to the surfaces of his works with scraping and brushing methods, and has created different effects with special firing methods in some of his works.
Hanieh Mouhebati’s “Hiç” exhibition has been inspired by the Nishapur ceramics produced in Iran in the 10th century and the metal forms of the Sassanid period. Different Persian calligraphies of the Turkish word “Hiç” have been applied on the ceramic forms by a brush and scraping method. The related ceramic forms on which calligraphies are applied have been shaped on the potter’s wheel using a fritware body.