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With the exhibition, workshops and interactive performances, the Macsabal Silkroad Gallery in ARTAnkara 6th Modern Art Fair, helped to plot a modern route of silkroad reaching across from Korea to Turkey.


We took part as Macsabal Silkroad Gallery in the ARTAnkara 6th Modern Art Fair organized by Atis Fair in Ankara Chamber of Commerce Congresium Congress and Exhibition Center between 11th-15th March. Within this context we have made an international exhibition, two international workshops and two international interactive performances with Kim Yong Moon and my lead together with the artists and students. The workshops called Veda/ Farewell and Sonuncu Yaprak/ The Last Leaf have been made in the fair area. Previously made twice by me in Istanbul and Baro, the Veda/ Farewell interactive performance has been made this time with the lead of Head of HU Ankara State Conservatory, Opera-Ballet and Theatre Department Assoc. Prof. Selcuk Gokdere and Kim Yong Moon and with the participation of HU FAF Ceramic Department students.

While Kim Yong Moon is throwing weel Artists participating in the exhibition

As you know silkroad is the name given to the trade route in the past and beginning from China’s city of Xian at the very east of Asia, it seperates all Asian continent from the center and passing through Middle East countries and lands of Anatolia and Egypt reaches out to Mediterranean and further to Europe. A road where products like silk, spice and porcelain were being transported by the most primitive means, Silkroad has set off a route where different ideas, religions or cultures merged together as well as being a trade route used throughout the history. It’s a very important route in the histroy of humanity in terms of starting the intercultural communication through trade.

Today, reinterpreting this trade route, we wanted to plot a modern route of Silkroad beginning from the capital of Korea, Seoul instead of China’s city of Xian and reaching out to the capital of Turkey, Ankara. This time intercultural communication is through art instead of trade. Works were exhibited again in a trading environment, namely in an art fair but what’s meant to be emphasised is the international communication and unity. The name of the Macsabal Symposium which’s organized by Kim Yong Moon in the Chinese city of Zibo since 2005, is Macsabal Silkroad Symposium. With the help of the Macsabal Symposium that’s organized in Ankara for 9 years by the contributions of Hacettepe University and Korean Culture Center, Ankara has become the meeting point for Turkish and foreign artists. By gathering Macsabal artists together in the Macsabal Silkroad Gallery exhibition in ARTAnkara 6th Modern Art Fair, a different art environment, we wanted to establish the intercultural communication this time through art. Selçuk Gölgedere and Mutlu Başkaya

Along with Turkey and Korea, there are also artist from various countries around the world like Peru, France and Ukraine, attended the international plastic arts exhibition we opened in the Macsabal Silkroad Gallery. Serife Barıc, Marianne Barton, Mutlu Baskaya, Mariagrazzia Bassino, Lee Cheong Cho, Andrea Corpancho, Deniz Onur Erman, Kiara Hayashida, Igor Letinsky, Mathilde Maitre, Kim Yong Moon, Mafe Perez Tavolara, Sonia Cespedes Rossel, Iliana Scheggia, Sevinc Koseoğlu Ulubatlı and Caner Yedikardes were with us in the fair. We would like to thank all our artist friends for their participation in this exhibition and hope they left with beautiful memories.


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