Along with the increasing concerns of hygiene in pandemic, tendency to water-saving is also continuing. Elmor Inc. General Director Enver Oz indicates that because of this, the market share of photo electric products increased significantly compared to pre-pandemic period.
Combining its' R&D and innovation power with "Convenience" technologies, E.C.A. with its' water-saving products, is both looking out for natural resources and supporting the customers' water bills. Among E.C.A.'s product range, photo electric products which allows contactless use especially in public areas such as workplaces, restaurants, hospitals and malls, also offers less water flow amounts compared to standard products. Pointing out that the tendency to water-saving is also continuing along with hygiene concerns, Elmor Inc. General Director Enver Oz indicated that the market share of photo electric products increased significantly.
Integrating next generation technologies to production processes and bringing eco-friendly products to its' users, E.C.A. is easily meeting the consumer expectations in a time like this where sense of hygiene and saving has reached to maximum. Releasing easy-to-clean and hygienic solutions with high eco-sensitivity that will help to alter the habits in a positive manner, E.C.A. keeps water resources under protection especially with their photo electric products.
“Demand to photo electric products will continue after the pandemic"
Elmor Inc. General Director Enver Oz stated out that they design products that encourage energy and raw material saving and continued “Building sector has grown in the first quarter of this year compared to the last of the last year and brought a dynamism to other areas as well. When we look specific to the sector, hygiene and saving now become essential elements of living spaces. This tendency has increased particularly in bathroom product ranges. With the end of restrictions and start of the tourism season, demand to photo electric products has reached to a maximum level especially in restaurants, hotels, hospitals, malls and offices. So as Elmor, we didn't cut pace in production and was able to easily meet the consumer expectations that has changed. Consumers have become self-aware of the advantages of these products that cancel out contact. Thus we estimate that demand to these photo electric products will growingly continue after the pandemic period”.
Significant water-saving compared to standard fittings
Oz said that they offer the most ideal solutions for hygiene and saving with their photo electric product groups and continued his words “Our water-saving mix fittings provide significant water-saving compared to a standard sink fitting. Our thermostatic fittings prevent unnecessary water and energy consumption while adjusting the water temperature. And our time-adjustable fittings close themselves after a specific time and support consumers. Being the first brand that make domestic production especially in photo electric fittings preventing unnecessary water consumption and offering our products with 5-year warranty, gains us an advantage in terms of consumer reliability. We shape our R&D studies focusing on water-saving and hygiene topics, like we did in the past. Thanks to our ‘Convenience’ technologies we bring in top level hygiene and saving features to our products".