Turkish Ceramics Federation's (TCF) general assembly which couldn't be made because of the pandemic, is organized in 17th September. Erdem Cenesiz is unanimously elected as the 2021-2023 period TCF Chairman for the third time.

Turkish Ceramics Federation's 10th Ordinary General Assembly Meeting which was delayed because of the Covid-19 pandemic, is organized in Renaissance Istanbul Polat Bosphorus Hotel under mask-distance-hygiene conditions.
Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM) Chairman Ismail Gulle, Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK) President Nail Olpak and The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchange of Tukey (TOBB) President Rıfat Hisarciklioglu attended the meeting with video messages; While Iyi Party Deputy General President Koray Aydin was sending a telegram.

Turkish Ceramics Federation Chairman Erdem Cenesiz has shared the activities they actualized between 2019-2021 with the delegates. Cenesiz said: “In 2 years, we made 61 public visits to share the problems and needs of our sector. Prepared 5 sectoral reports and 7 publications for the sector. Attended 6 fairs and 6 international conferences and organizations. Conducted 14 workshops and sector meetings. Participated in 20 live broadcasts to share the needs and the development of our sector with great masses. Been through an active period to the full with 312 activities in 227 days covering 10 countries and 18 cities. I thank all my friends in the team.”
Third time Chairman In the voting, Erdem Cenesiz is unanimously elected as the Chairman for the third time. And the Board of Directors involved M. Ozgen Ozkan (Eczacibasi Yapi), Altug Akbas (Kaleseramik), Hasan Pehlivan (Vitra Karo), Goksen Yediguller (Ege Seramik), Fatih Kivanc (Seranit), Erkan Gural (NG Kutahya), Z. Ilter Yurtbay (Yurtbay Seramik), Rifat Noyan (Seramiksan), Cengiz Erdinc (Bien Seramik), Necip Muhittin Gumusten (Hayal Seramik), Nihat Ozyurt (Anka Seramik), Ali Gural (Gural Porselen), Abdullah Hakan Tanis (Usak Seramik), Hakan Canakci (Canakcilar Seramik), Kursad Noyan Ozkaya (Turkuaz Seramik), Nuri Gonenc (Idevit Seramik), Olgun Cakmak (Turan Seramik), Abidin Kayi (Matel), Salih Erez (Haznedar Ates Tugla), Aydin Eser (Isi Malzeme), Kemal Celik (Evdema), Kemal Yildirim (Akis Yapi), Serdar Donmez (Sonmez Yapi), Taner Kavas (Turkish Ceramics Association).
TCF Chairman Cenesiz, after thanking to delegates, mentioned about the activities they're planning to carry out in the coming period and listed out the topics in their agenda as follows:

EU Green Consensus Preparations,
EU Damping Investigation Probability
USA Damping Investigation Probability
Natural Gas Policies
MKGKO Legislation Studies
Technical Staff Trainings
Developing the Unicera Fair
Addressing the importance of the ceramic industry as one of the leading sectors that provide the biggest added value to Turkey, Cenesiz emphasized that manufacturers should not sell their goods with lower prices for they're at the same quality with their global competitors'. Saying that there may be a damping investigation probability from USA and EU and said “How can we sell the same good with a higher price? There's a conjuncture in the world. There will be a formidable increase in energy and energy costs will be much higher. There's no old exporting conditions anymore. Do not accept to sell cheaper than Italy. Future energy and cost increases will coerce those who don't act so.”